Top 5 Health Benefits Of Regular Massage Therapy

The benefits of a weekly massage include helping to calm the central nervous system, improving blood circulation, and providing superior stress relief. You will certainly get the most health benefits from regular massages. A handful of studies, including a 2018 study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, have shown that massage is beneficial for people with knee osteoarthritis.

Unfortunately, the scientific evidence on massage therapy is limited. Researchers are actively trying to understand exactly how massage works, how much is better, and how it can help with specific health problems. Some stroke patients have been able to regain some of their lost agility through acupuncture, physical rehabilitation, and massage therapy. One study found that patients had lower levels of anxiety and pain, better quality of life, and better sensorimotor functions when they received regular massage therapy. Arthritis includes swelling and pain in the joints, says the Mayo Clinic. As your massage therapist kneads and massages the muscles, blood flows to your joints, which can provide temporary relief, the Mayo Clinic explains.

Before deciding on neuromuscular massage therapy, if you have any of the above conditions or problems, consult your doctor to make sure it is the right treatment for you. Many people use Massagematte Test massage therapy as a way to treat their back pain. Massage therapy involves many different treatments and techniques such as sports massage, deep tissue, Swedish massage and more.

Massage is known to reduce stress and anxiety in general by reducing the level of hormones that cause sweating, increased heart rate, and rapid breathing. What you probably didn’t know is that a full-body massage benefits more parts of your life than just relaxing sore muscles or relieving tension. We’re going to reveal 29 secret benefits of massage therapy that very few people talk about. Researchers believe this happens because massage therapy stimulates blood flow to the joints, promotes lymph circulation and relaxes muscles. The benefits of massage not only encourage restful sleep, but also help those who otherwise cannot rest comfortably.

The relaxation response is a state in which your heart and respiratory rate decrease, your blood pressure drops, your production of stress hormones decreases, and your muscles relax. The relaxation response also seems to increase the available level of serotonin, a chemical in the body that positively affects emotions and thoughts. While this information is promising, more studies are needed to directly confirm the relationship between massage and serotonin levels in the brain. The benefits of massage therapy for athletes are well known, which is why all major sports teams employ massage therapists for their players. For 48 patients in the ICU, receiving a Swedish massage reduced anxiety levels by relaxing muscles, slowing breathing and relieving pain in one study.

Used as a supplement to traditional Western medicine, massage can promote relaxation and reduce cancer symptoms or side effects of treatment. For example, it can help reduce pain, bloating, fatigue, nausea or depression, or improve the function of your immune system. However, there are specific areas that a massage therapist should avoid in a cancer patient, as well as times when massage should be avoided altogether.

Although less rhythmic than other types of massage, deep tissue massage can be therapeutic: it relieves chronic tension patterns and helps with muscle injuries, such as back sprain. A knot in the neck or a tight spot on the back is known as a trigger point. “A trigger point is a small muscle spasm or tight spot in the tissue,” Bodner explains.

However, the benefits of massage were less clear 12 months after the message therapy ended. A separate 2014 study in Scientific World Journal found that deep tissue massage only relieved back pain equally, as well as a combination of massage and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Performed by a licensed massage therapist, massage therapy involves the use of various pressures, movements, and techniques to manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body. With the goal of slowing down your nervous system, massage therapy can be used to release stress and tension, provide relief from symptoms, heal injuries, and support well-being.

Up to 91% of fibromyalgia patients use some form of massage therapy to reduce their symptoms. Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain condition in which pressure on the muscles can cause pain (sometimes in places that appear to be unrelated), the Mayo Clinic explains. While there is no cure for it, some patients find benefits from having a physical therapist or massage therapist working in the areas where they experience pain to relieve muscle tension, the Mayo Clinic explains. For people undergoing cancer treatments, the physical and emotional toll is great.

You may also feel pain and discomfort after the massage, which is normal. The American Academy of Pain Management recognizes that this massage method is an effective treatment for soft tissue injuries, especially in the back. With the advancement of technology, courses, and people becoming massage therapists, these clinics are available in many areas. Depending on your area, there are generally a healthy number of practicing providers in most areas.


