Tips For Maintaining The Power Generator

The technician must also replace the air and fuel filters of the unit. In addition, the technology must carry out a deeper inspection of the alternator and transfer switch and, if necessary, take appropriate maintenance and problem solving steps. Every time you use your generator you need to check the engine oil level. Usually the oil should be replaced every 100 hours or every season. However, if you use your portable generator in extreme conditions, such as in a dirty or dusty environment or in extremely hot weather conditions, you need to change the oil more often. Also, when removing oil, make sure to return it to a collection center to avoid contamination.

If you don’t spend many hours in your generator, change the oil and filter twice a year, replace the fuel filter annually and repair or replace the air filter annually. If you quickly collect many hours in the generator, follow the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations. Some commercial backup generator maintenance is required every day. These include a full visual inspection of damage and verification of the generator’s fluid levels for oil, coolant and fuel. You should also try your coolant heater to make sure it starts cold.

At NMC Cat we create a custom program based on the system requirements of your generator and the average operating hours. Contact experts today for more information or to plan commercial backup generator maintenance. Whether you use them as a primary or backup power source, generators are essential to deliver electric power to your facilities or workplaces. Regular power generator rental austin texas maintenance of the commercial generator is crucial to ensure that your equipment can function when needed and to minimize the risk of potentially catastrophic mechanical failure. As with any small engine power kit, oil replacement is an important factor in maintaining reliability. Most new generators need your first oil change after just 30 hours of use.

A good tip is to run your generator for a few minutes first to heat the engine as this will make the oil and contaminants run out more easily. You can now fill the engine with the manufacturer’s recommended oil and restart the generator. After a few minutes of running, switch off the generator and check the oil level again. This is one of the most important services you can perform on your generator. Spark plugs and air filters can last longer than oil, about 200 hours between changes. Even if you don’t take so many hours, go ahead and change them once a year along with the oil.

Oil change intervals are about 50 hours for many portable generators, which means that if you have a long power failure, you should be willing to change the oil every other day. Keep a lot of maintenance supplies handy and keep all your complete maintenance on a blank page in your manual. If you don’t have time or are uncomfortable with keeping your backup generator yourself, trust our expert service distributors to take care of the service work for you. Our network of authorized and trained distributors ensures that your backup generator is ready for the coming winter months. Invest in regular maintenance packages at the best price and trust this winter that your backup generator will work to keep you and your family warm when the power goes out.

The better the maintenance, the longer your generator works without the need for extensive repairs, which can translate into serious money when buying expensive parts or even replacing the entire unit. Read on for seven top maintenance tips to make sure your electric generator is safe and ready to run when power runs out. As noted, a relatively small petrol engine will last for years if it is carefully maintained. If a storm is expected, run it on a small amount of gas and turn it on. If you don’t use it for lawn mowers, keep the cans empty and fill them in when the storm is expected. If possible, interrupt the prediction, fill cans, check the generator.

These systems can only work tens of hours a year, but still require regular preventive maintenance to help them survive and make them work. The best way to ensure that your commercial backup generator gets the service you need is to develop and track a regular preventive maintenance program. Our technicians have the training and experience to perform all essential maintenance and repair tasks. Examples of our service offer are liquid sampling and polishing, vibration analysis and thermography. We can also configure a technologically advanced remote monitoring program that tracks key generator statistics and provides valuable performance data.


