Tag: oxygen

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Benefits, Indications And More

    Laboratory studies show improvements in exercise capacity and shortness of breath, but these do not translate into significant benefits in the home environment. Hypercapnia is a possible side effect of excess oxygen and can lead to respiratory acidosis, where the pH level of the blood is outside the normal range. The criteria for initiating patients…

  • Intelligent Oxygen Bucket For Optical Monitoring Of Dissolved Oxygen In Biological Blood Samples

    Absorption measurements based on buckets are only as good as the system used for measurements. Reference drift and other spectral changes attributed to different environmental conditions can be addressed by taking frequent background and reference measurements. Bucket-to-bucket variability is overcome with the help of paired buckets. The measurement acquisition parameters are configured to provide the…

  • Advantages Of Oxygen Concentrators For The Home

    On the market there is a variety to choose from between the different oxygen generators. Choosing a high oxygen generator for the home that they believe can yield very effective results. In addition, it also releases a high power and increases the oxygen flow. Some, on the other hand, like to opt for lightweight, portable…