What Is Plantar Fasciitis? Symptoms And Causes

This exercise is best done in the morning before standing or walking. You can also try to reduce or change your exercise activities. Wearing bow ties on your shoes, replacing worn out sneakers and doing stretching exercises can also help ease pain. In rare cases, people with heel pain have actually ruptured or broken their plantar fascia.

If you have pain and stiffness in your lower feet and heel, you may have a problem called plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is irritation and swelling of the thick tissue in the compression sock for plantar fascia lower part of the foot. Connect the heel bone to the toes and create the arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis occurs when this thick tissue band is overloaded or used excessively.

A thick pad covers the fabric and helps your heels absorb the blows to your feet. Plantar fascia damage can cause swelling and heel pain. Plantar fasciitis usually starts gradually with mild heel bone pain, often referred to as a stony bruise. Pain is classic just after getting up in the morning and after a period of sitting. If you don’t treat plantar fasciitis, it could become a chronic condition. You may not be able to maintain your activity level and develop symptoms of foot, knee, hip and back problems, because plantar fasciitis can change the way you walk.

Smooth patches can help relieve and even prevent plantar fasciitis. Stretching the calves and the plantar fascia itself helps loosen the muscles and reduce heel pain. Physical therapy is an important part of the treatment of plantar fasciitis. It can help stretch the plantar fascia and tendons of Achilles.

Your doctor or specialist in sports medicine can propose a plan to alternate your regular activities with others that do not make your pain worse. Athletes, teachers and waitresses may have an inflamed or torn fascia, the ligament running from the heel to the toes. Anyone who repeatedly walks on a hard surface or pushes their feet to run a race is at risk of plantar fasciitis.