3 Reasons Why Scientists Say Painting Is Good For Your Brain

Knowing these benefits is not surprising to know that painting and drawing are highly recommended for an individual’s recovery from painful events such as war and abuse (p. E.g. rape). Many therapists even include these activities in their patients’ schedules. Even when you pour out your emotions through art, you focus on letting go of all these hidden emotions. In fact, physical pain can even disappear because one is deeply involved in his paintings and drawings. Research has called this state the “Alpha”; This means that part of the brain consciously carries out activities while also expressing the unconscious part.

Given the different health benefits of painting and drawing, it is clear that these activities can be very helpful in promoting the well-being of an individual. Aside from improving mental and emotional abilities, an individual can enjoy improved sensory and motor skills by constantly painting and drawing. Since anyone can paint and draw, these activities are definitely worth a try.

Improved brain activities can effectively send signals from the brain to motor neurons, which would provide the specific action to be taken. Through improvements in personality and emotional stability, painting and drawing do not benefit one person, but even the people around him. Because the individual could respond to the emotions that others feel, these people would also share the positive effects of art. Another point in the long list of health benefits of painting and drawing would include the possibility of improving communication with other people. Perhaps one of the reasons why painting has always been part of human culture is that it allows the imagination to free itself. Professor and researcher in art therapy Girija Kaimal says that this can serve an evolutionary purpose; she postulates that art helps people navigate and anticipate future problems.

A calming effect occurs because tactile cognitive processing takes place while children make paint stains with their hands. I am Spramani Elaun, artist, art teacher and founder of the Nature of Art® For Kids School. After painting with more than 200,000 young children, I want to share 7 benefits why it is good to prepare young children at home or in the classroom with painting activities.

Moreover, making these paintings and drawings would of course reduce the negative emotions within an individual. This would be replaced by positive thoughts and feelings, such as color and drawings would be illustrated. Of course, if one develops his painting and drawing skills, they would yield very good results. These activities would increase your self-esteem and inspire you to believe in what you can do. Artist Alexa Meade gives life to paintings by painting directly on her subjects. Known as a hobby that has lasted for centuries as a vocation and profession, painting remains one of the most revered and pleasant activities of today.

This in turn helps with fine motor skills and agility in the hands, wrists and fingers. Elderly people with arthritis in these areas are better able to control swelling and pain. Art has many advantages, including mental health, emotional support, a better quality of life and development benefits. The best thing is that you don’t have to be a Van Gogh to enjoy those benefits. Some simple tools, a white canvas and beautiful colors are all you need to take advantage of the excellent health benefits and the development of artistic activities.

Often the emotions you feel when creating this job can be projected onto people who see your paintings. Painters have the ability to bring happiness dieren schilderij to others and share their positive mindset with viewers. This opportunity makes painters a better company for themselves and the people around them.

In addition, it has also been shown that art therapy is fertile for various non-psychotic mental disorders. Art allows you to express feelings and thoughts in a healthy way and gives you something positive to focus on. It is a pleasant experience that generates a sense of performance and pride when we create something new. Achieving art making translates into our self-esteem and increases our confidence.

Painting helps us to distract ourselves from our problems; It helps us to take away the fear and turn it into something else we have given a name to. This helps us identify our feelings and increase our expression qualities. This is especially important for people with nervousness, mental illness, but also for people who experience an emotional imbalance, such as a fracture that uses visual expression to achieve catharsis. Adults who learn to paint, fight fear of confrontation, learn to persevere and are encouraged to create something that is only theirs, a personal project, unique and very satisfying. Having an image in your head and translating it into paper or canvas is a way to sharpen the mind through conceptual visualization and implementation. When people who constantly have an artistic outlet, be it writing, painting or music, they are less likely to develop amnesia as they age.