Social Skills

Social stories, reflecting a conflict between two friends, introduced social conflicts, mentioned each character’s feelings and why they feel this way, and proposed an appropriate strategy to resolve the conflict. Peers also rated students in the treatment group as less aggressive after treatment. Compared to students in untreated control classrooms, students with LD who received the program were assessed by teachers as improving social skills on a standardized social skills questionnaire and by colleagues as less aggressive after treatment. Students in control international school Chennai classes were more rejected by colleagues as the academic year progressed, while peer acceptance of students treated remained stable (Wiener & Harris, 1997). SST explicitly teaches positive social behavior and skills to solve social problems to groups of children or adolescents who have problems with social relationships (Gresham, Sugai and Horner, 2001; Kavale and Mostert, 2004; Wiener and Timmermanis, 2012). The goals of SST interventions are to learn new skills, improve existing skills and facilitate the retention of previously learned skills .

The Social-Life LD program is a class-based social skills training program developed for children aged 9-13 with LD. It is an adaptation of an intervention originally developed by Griffiths and his colleagues for adults with developmental disabilities (Griffiths, nineteen ninety-five; Griffiths, Feldman & # 38; # 38; Difficult, 1997). The program is implemented in classrooms for students with LD in sessions of 35 to 40 minutes that take place twice a week. The central feature of the program is a board game that can be played between two and four students.

Create as many structures as possible that facilitate long-term building of relationships, such as identifying mentors for students or holding class meetings. Throughout the school, teachers follow students to the next grade or make announcements, in which the same teacher advises the same group of students for several years. You can create the kind of relationships that make students feel cared for and help them learn to take care of others.

SST interventions for students with LD are generally based on principles of cognitive behavior (Wiener and Timmermanis, 2012). Social and emotional learning is an integral part of human education and development. Sánchez and Samantha decided to focus on the behavior that distracted her and the other students the most. This behavior included asking the right way and waiting for help and staying in your seat during independent seating. Mrs. Sánchez reviewed the strategies and expectations with Samantha and provided three markings so that she could follow her own behavior when she needed the teacher’s help during the independent seat. The special education teacher from Sánchez and Samantha also provided additional academic support.

Schools that use a digital symbolic economy can maintain their PBIS initiative both personally and online and enhance social skills regardless of the learning environment. Interactive social skills activities for children are sometimes much easier to make in a classroom because they have access to multiple students in one area. Teachers can not only provide group-wide instruction on skills, but can also differentiate by grouping students based on need and skill level. It is always beneficial for children to be in a social environment with other children.



