Live Monitoring Vs Post

One of the main strategies to provide a consistent customer experience in the call center is to host regular call calibrations. A call calibration is a meeting between call center agents, supervisors and the quality assurance provider to assess and discuss customer service calls. Call Calibration is an important strategy to ensure that managers, supervisors and quality control teams can effectively assess agent performance and improve customer service. This is recommended to ensure that service organizations set key behavior for success. Most quality management programs use a combination of live call monitoring and recording review after the call. This is generally supervised by a quality assurance team, but team leaders are also often involved in the process.

The quality assurance process ensures that every customer is treated with respect and is offered a positive, timely and competent customer experience. Monitoring the call quality can facilitate response to customer issues and create excellent performance across your business. Regular quality control allows you to eliminate bad habits before spreading between advisors and their other call centers. Achieving it will be motivating and will pave the way for other more ambitious goals. Regular monitoring, comment support and training are essential tools to maintain your high-quality customer service.

Customers choose Calabrio because we understand their needs and provide the best experience in their class, from implementation to continuous support. First choose people who are better qualified to measure the quality of calls. Make sure to include senior agents or customer service managers who have in-depth knowledge of the quality of the calls. These resources should know your business and have experience working with your customers.

It is performed to improve call handling, customer service and of course loyalty and income. Call monitoring can be done after the call if the company uses a real-time / live call recording or call monitoring system while the call is being executed. While quality auditors generally perform post-call monitoring, supervisors monitor live / real-time calls in case a call is made. These are the types of calls you want to store and show to other agents as part of the quality assurance training. Think of the specific choices the representative has made and how these choices have created a more positive customer experience. Sometimes seeing an example of high-quality customer service helps employees better understand what is being asked of them.

While live monitoring may provide useful advice to representatives at this time, post-call training is much more likely to lead to persistent behavioral change that supports the overall quality of customer service. Post-call coaching can also be seamlessly integrated into other forms of performance coaching, so you can be part of an employee’s overall professional development plan. This means that the results of the training courses after the call can be permanently adopted, as representatives are more willing to take possession of the results.

With the implementation of an effective QM system, a continuous training, development and improvement program can be successfully integrated into the organization. With more automated processes as part of the QM program, more time can be spent training agents and repairing broken processes. By launching a successful QM solution, the team can directly influence management decisions with ideas made directly by quality control of first line calls. QM is essential for any organization seeking to discover valuable information about its company’s performance by identifying areas for improvement and development. While some customer service calls are proactive, such as those from agents to promote a new service / product, there are other types of calls that are reactive, such as customer-initiated support calls. There are cases where the customer would have a simple problem and would like to work with his team.

It is an integral part of the sales process and benefits customers and agents. An important responsibility of the quality control team is to continuously develop agents through education and practical experience. By striving for constant and incremental improvements, you can help your business deliver a high degree of consistency across every customer’s campaign.

Conversation intelligence combines voice analysis, transcription and call activity data with a way to facilitate training and feedback along with the data. Voice analysis tools help companies evaluate all agent-managed phone calls and identify general patterns in which an agent cannot provide the best service or combat certain types of questions. For example, companies can ask a question that offers 100 calls where customers have similar problems with a product.



