How To Become A Podcast Guest A Guide To Becoming A Guest On

Finally, keep in mind that podcast episodes have a long shelf life. Unlike other forms of content, people download and listen to podcasts weeks, months, or even years after they air. This can make it difficult to keep track of the data. A good rule of thumb is to check in every month to 6 months to see how the episode progresses. While you shouldn’t be afraid to appear on newer or less popular podcasts, you should recognize that this is a time commitment. Your time has value, so you want to make the most of every opportunity.

In addition to requiring the pre-show form, do some research yourself. If it’s a professional podcast, LinkedIn can also provide a lot of interesting work information. But don’t forget old blog posts, other podcast interviews, social media updates, and personal news you can connect with (new babies, puppies, or homes are common!).

It can be considered a cat of all professions, but that will only confuse listeners and podcast hosts. That’s a total of more than 48 million episodes. If you don’t define your main message, it’s hard to stand out. Plus, it helps expand your reach even further, as some of your audience may not be podcast listeners, but they are blog readers and vice versa. There are times when a podcast host has technical issues and a recording can be lost.

Mark shared where he was on social media and pinned his handles so people could find him. Do you want to send people to a specific page on your website? Maybe your podcast page with your trailer episode at the top? Maybe a link to your most popular content, which contains a lead magnet to collect your email address? Go on a fact-finding mission and gather as much information about your guest as possible.

At Social Pros, we have our guests complete this survey before each episode. If you understand the audience and their motivations for listening to THIS show among Podcast guest bookings everyone else, you’ll be a much more relevant podcast guest. Take the time to literally write a description of the person of that representative listener.

While creating a podcast is an easy way to promote your brand, it can be more of a time commitment than being ready. This is when you appear as a guest on other podcasts in your industry. By taking the time to make sure you know what to expect, you can stand out when it matters most.

Remember that people want an incentive to trade. You can offer a special discount code for podcast listeners, a free download, or additional free content that isn’t available elsewhere. In most podcasts, guests can share a specific link in the show notes or with a promotion. This is an opportunity to generate traffic, but it must be intentional. Last but not least, if you want to use the podcast invitation to power your business, you’ll need to continue the work even after recording. There’s always something you can do after you complete the interview with your podcast host.

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