Five Tips For Making Friends In College

Some of the most rewarding friendships are between 2 people who don’t have much in common. However, if you like a specific topic, try looking for a place where you can meet people who share that interest. For example, you can join the school science club, the marching band, a knitting group, or another shared interest group.

Read on to learn foolproof tips and strategies for making new friends so you can start building the friendships you deserve. Friendships have a huge impact on your mental health and happiness. Good friends relieve stress, offer comfort and joy, and prevent loneliness and isolation. Developing close friendships can also have a powerful impact on your physical health.

Fast forward a few decades, however, and things aren’t that simple. “It’s more of a challenge to make friends as an adult, because this group of people is often in the prime of their lives to build their careers and their families,” says life coach Dr. Jaime Kulaga, PhD, LMCH. It’s easy to lose sight of friends when you move or change jobs, for example. Make the effort to reconnect and then turn your “online” friends into “real” friends by meeting for coffee instead of chatting on Facebook or Twitter.

In this article, we’ve shared some tips to help you make new friends quickly. Basically, the secret to making friends as an adult is that you should try. You have to come out, ask people to come together, show up at events and keep doing this, over and over again. It may seem scary to mingle with people you don’t know, but I hope the research results I’ve shared have convinced you that it’s not as scary as you think. It starts with the simple act of saying “hello,” and builds on continuing to initiate, communicate regularly, and ultimately be willing to share your vulnerabilities.

But there may be some really cool friendships waiting for you right next sohbet door. So the next time you’re both away, do more than just say hello.

But building positive, healthy relationships is good for you. You have someone to laugh with and share your concerns and problems. Take this opportunity to expose yourself, no matter how scary it may seem to you. Try to join clubs that focus on things you enjoy, such as reading, painting, or playing sports. There are mobile apps where you can connect with new people. Trust us; practicing the points mentioned above will make it easier for you to make new friends.

If you both enjoy the conversation, it’s going well, you can offer to meet before or after the session for coffee. From there, they can start doing more things together, until they have established a pattern of friendship. Now that you know how to initiate connections, vulnerability is the next step in deepening it. I like to think of an acquaintance as someone you know, while a friend is someone you know.


